1. Hunter Marrian : Paragliding Pilot Hunter Marrian of Paraglide Kenya, if ratified, has broken two FAI World Records! Hunter and his passenger Evan flew a nonstop 211 km
image credit:.xcmag.com
2.Frank Brown, Donizete Lemos and Marcelo Prieto :set an incipient paragliding world record on Friday 9 October 2015 with a 513km flight across the Brazilian north east.
image credit:xcmag.com
3. Richard Carter:Flying an EN D Ozone MantraM3, has broken the British paragliding open distance record with a flight of 253km from Bradwell Edge in the Peak District.
image credit:xcmag.com
4. GodfreyWenness: Chief Flying Instructor Godfrey Wenness is Australia's most experienced paraglider pilot, has held the World Distance record of 335kms for 5 years
image credit:mixcloud.com
5. Nick Greece and Jon Hunt: Took off from Wilson, Wyoming, and flew for seven hours passing the Teton Range, the Gros Ventre Range, and the Wind River Range to culminate near Rawlins, Wyoming.
The incipient record, which broked the pair’s precedent record of 199 miles made just 3 days earlier, was an astounding 204.6 mile flight at speeds of up to 40mph and more than 18,000ft high for seven hours over some of the most remote terrain in America resulting in some outstandingly pulchritudinous photographs of the Red Desert and numerous mountain ranges across Wyoming.
image credit:xtremesport4u.com
6.Peggy McAlpine,104, set about reclaiming her place in the record books as the oldest person to go paragliding after her record was snatched away by a 101-year-old American last year.
image credit:nydailynews.com
7.Nevil Hulett:During Nevil's 502 kms flight, Nevil topped out at 5689m asl and made an average speed of 73.3 km/h and a maximum speed of 126.7 km/h over the ground
image credit:korteldesign.com

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